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Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Android's Hidden Secret Codes

Today I am going to show you some cool Hidden Secret Codes of Android OS.

Note: This information is intended for experienced users. Not intended for basic users, hackers, or mobile phone thieves. Please do not try any of the following methods if you are not familiar with the phone. We will not be liable for any use or misuse of this information, including data loss or hardware damage. So, there are risks in your own hands.

(1) * # * # 4636 # * # *
This code will give you information about phone, Battery information, History of Batteries, Usage Statistics.

(2) # * # 34971539 # * # *
This code will give you information about Camera Firmware.

(3)* # * # 232 338 # * # * ------ Displays the MAC address of WiFi

(4)* # * # 1472365 # * # * ------ GPS test

(5)* # * # 1575 # * # * ------ Test a GPS who others are.

(6)* # * # 232 331 # * # * ------ Bluetooth test

(7)* # * # 232 337 # * # ------ Displays the Bluetooth address

(8)* # * # 8255 # * # * ------ This code can be used to launch GTalk Service Monitor.

(9)* # * # 0283 # * # *  ------  Loopback packet

(10)* # * # 0 *#*#*  ------  LCD test

(11)* # * # 0673 # * # * or * # * # 0289 # * # *  ------  Melody tests

(12)* # * # 0842 # * # *  ------  Test Device (Vibration test and Backlight)

(13)* # * # 2663 # * # *  ------  Touch screen version

(14)* # * # 2664 # * # *  ------  Touch screen test

(15)* # * # 0588 # * # *  ------  Proximity sensor test

(16)* # * # 3264 # * # *  ------  RAM version

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